P0446: Evaporative Emission System Vent Valve/solenoid Circuit
Purge or vent solenoids are defective
Possible blockage in vapor canister or EVAP lines
Connector or wiring
Confirmed Fixes:
Blocked/Restricted Vent & Purge Lines — 🎯 1
Pete Custom Car: 2006 Chevy Silverado 4.8 customer complaint was they could not fill gas tank properly when filling the gas would even spray back at them. I smoked tested the gas tank with 5 psi and noticed a gurgling sound coming from under the hood and found it was gurgling from the vent valve relocation filter hose inlet someone had mounted it under the cowl with the opening facing upwards which had filled the charcoal canister half full of water. I blew all the water out of the vent, purge lines and canister.